meet the makers

Blessing Mutambayashata,
Production Manager & Head Designer

Blessing joined the team in 2019 and has since excelled in her practical and leadership abilities in the studio. She has played an important role in forming a strong team of makers through training and mentoring. As manager, she monitors inventory, quality control and design innovation.

Theresa Zungumuro,
Studio Designer

Theresa was the second person to join our team in late 2019. She has a Bachelors Degree in International Purchasing, Logistics and Transport Management from Chinhoyi University of Technology. She has been a valuable part of our team in helping with new designs and offering advice in export readiness.

Melissa Mugumba,

Studio Designer

Melissa joined our team during the Covid-19 pandemic when we needed to act quickly to produce masks according to the State mandate. She quickly proved her worth and has been an integral part of our team due to her hard-working and adaptive nature.

Shannon Hart
Managing Director 

Shannon was born and raised in Zimbabwe. She started Mend Collective in 2019 with the aim of creating opportunities for women after her return from her studies in the USA and her work in Senegal. She studied Studio Art and Economics at Kenyon College in the USA. Later, she pursued a Masters degree in Business Management from the University of Illinois Urbana Champagne. She now runs Mend Collective with the help of her passionate team and the support of her local community.